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Experiencing Tibetan Bowls in a Heated Pool

01 February 2020 - 20:30h


by Meditações de Portugal - Rui Brito e Lídia Jorge

An intense experience that will take your senses into the deep world of sound.

Vacancies available only for 10 participants, reservation required and only valid with payment/transfer of half price to Real Abadia Congress & Spa Hotel.

Necessary material for this event:
Swimsuit, Towel, Swimming Cap, Slippers, Lots of smiles :)

Price: 35€
Hours: 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm

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2020-02-01 20:30:00 2020-02-01 23:30:00 36 Experiencing Tibetan Bowls in a Heated Pool

by Meditações de Portugal - Rui Brito e Lídia Jorge

An intense experience that will take your senses into the deep world of sound.

Vacancies available only for 10 participants, reservation required and only valid with payment/transfer of half price to Real Abadia Congress & Spa Hotel.

Necessary material for this event:
Swimsuit, Towel, Swimming Cap, Slippers, Lots of smiles :)

Price: 35€
Hours: 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm

